Monday, April 18, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday Musings

This is going to be a great week. I love Holy Week leading up to Easter Sunday for many reasons - singing Easter hymns, checking out the cute spring fashions, baking some delicious goodies and spending time with my family! Another perk - it's a short week/three day weekend for me and my husband since our offices will both be closed for Good Friday.

We saw True Grit at the cheap movies this past weekend. It was a good movie and nicely cast. The crowd could have been better. I almost had to beat down the woman sitting behind us. Inexplicably, in the middle of the movie she decided to start filing her nails. Filing. Her. Fingernails. In a dark movie theater. I could not believe it. I kept thinking she would stop, but no! Finally, I turned around and said, "Could you please stop that?" I saw her husband nudging her leg and she leaned over to whisper to him, "What did she say?" Apparently he relayed the message because she quit and I was able to resume watching the movie in peace. Sheesh!

Also, I am just now getting around to posting a picture from the Red Bud Classic 5K I ran in last Sunday. Last year was the first time I had ever run in the Red Bud Classic and it was my first 5K run. The weather ended up being very nice as the Oklahoma wind cooperated by gusting less than 20 mph. This is me with my running buddy co-worker. Warning, you may want to turn down the brightness level on your computer. I am rocking some seriously WHITE legs.

I can't believe I am going to share this with you, but today I think I accidentally ate some moldy cheese! The horror! The humanity! Here's a little secret about me, I have a bad habit of sneaking bites of cheese while I am cooking dinner. Tonight, I had a bag of shredded Italian cheese blend out to garnish our pasta. As I waited for the pasta to boil I opened the bag and took a pinch of shredded cheese out and popped it in my mouth. Hmm, I thought. That tasted a bit strange. But I was undeterred. I stuck my fingers in the bag for another pinch and noticed the peculiar consistency of the shredded cheese - sort of clumpy. I looked into the bag and realized there were some moldy pieces of cheese in the bag. EEEEEK! I threw the bag away. I immediately confessed my cheese sins to my husband. He may or may not ever kiss me again. Hopefully, I won't face damaging repercussions from my cheese sins.

But don't worry, I still LOVE cheese!

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