Saturday, May 14, 2011

What is Wrong With People?

The big story at the end of the week was about a woman in California injecting her 8-year-old daughter with Botox for beauty pageants.

Um, excuse me?! Not only is this completely dangerous from a medical standpoint, but I cannot imagine the emotional scars this will have for the poor girl down the road. As if she didn't already have societal pressures to be thin and beautiful, she has her own mother giving her Botox and waxing her legs in the name of winning pageants and "improving" herself. Plus, now that the authorities have gotten involved and an investigation has begun, this could have serious ramifications affecting this family if child protective services gets involved.

The sad fact is that it seems these stories seem all too common. Maybe I watch too much TV? But it really feels like stories about people making shocking parenting decisions that are foolish or dangerous or criminal are at least a weekly occurrence.

One thing all of these stories back up is the idea that there should be some kind of test required before a person can become a parent. It only makes sense. We have to take a test to get a driver's license and we have to take several tests to get a diploma in high school and college. Doctors, nurses, lawyers, accountants, architects and other professionals all have to take tests before they can work in their respective fields.

But, in reality, the chances of requiring a test before a person can become a parent are slim to none.

Honestly, these stories about atrocious parenting reinforce something that I have thought for a long time - it doesn't take much to be a parent. Just watch MTV's 16 and Pregnant if you don't agree. (For the record, I have never actually watched that show, but I know the premise and I think it illustrates my belief and it's my blog so I can say what I want!) I am annoyed by people who want to act like just giving birth makes someone a wonderful, selfless, caring, sainted person.

Guess what? It doesn't.

Almost anyone can be a parent, but it takes more than just creating a life to be a great parent, a wonderful parent, a caring parent, a parent who raises well-behaved, smart, conscientious children!

Who knows what kind of parent I will be someday?

Hopefully, not the kind of parent who makes the ten-o-clock news!

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