Monday, June 6, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday Musings

Well, I am happy to report we are surviving just fine over here at the cable-free house. So far we are very happy with our decision to cut cable, and we haven't even resorted to organizing our bathroom cabinets or trimming the lawn with scissors!


When I come across internet slang or text speak that I don't know, it makes me feel so un-hip and old. I learned a new-to-me expression just the other day:

*g* means grin

Did you know that? Am I the only one? I am almost thirty, you know.

Thanks to my dear friend Google, I found this website so I don't have to feel like such a loser anymore. Maybe it can help you, too!


Did you have an American Girl doll growing up? These got popular sometime during my elementary school years. I came across this blog post that explains What Your American Girl Doll Says About the Rest of Your Life.

I  never read the American Girl books - I was more of a Babysitter's Club fan - but I secretly wanted an American Girl doll! I don't think I ever asked for one because I knew it would be a financial hardship for my parents to buy me one.

Anyway, I thought it was funny that the blog post described people who had no American Girl doll as follows:
You grew up to be financially independent, level-headed, unspoiled, and still just a little bit resentful whenever you walk by American Girl Place.

Hmmm, I guess that sort of sounds like me.

Which American Girl doll did you have? Or were you a have-not like me?

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