Monday, May 16, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday Musings

One positive to warmer weather is the increased availability of fresh fruits and veggies. After spying this recipe for Lemon Blueberry pancakes, I added lemons and blueberries to my weekly grocery list as I knew the pancakes would make for a great Sunday brunch.

I was not disappointed. These pancakes are phenomenal! Personally, I felt the lemon juice and lemon peel were the showcase flavor of the pancakes. They completely overshadowed the blueberries. If you make these, don't even bother putting syrup on the pancakes because it will just inhibit the glorious lemon flavors. To me, these pancakes just taste like summer - make them sometime soon!

I had leftover blueberries I didn't want to go to waste, so I decided the make a recipe I bookmarked a few weeks ago from  Nicole over at Prevention RD for Low Fat Whole Wheat Blueberry Muffins. I love Prevention RD because Nicole is a registered dietitian and she posts unique recipes that include a breakdown of the nutrition information.

The pictures I took with my phone obviously don't do these muffins any favors, but don't let that deter you from making them. I followed the recipe fairly close, but I added a too ripe banana I had lying around and a 1/4 cup of walnuts. These muffins re-heat great for a breakfast on the run and they are a nice guilt-free option for anyone who enjoys carbs.

I will leave you with a couple of cell phone pictures taken over the weekend. Have a great week!

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